Simple Ways To Learn With Stickers

Learning Wall Stickers

Kids were simple when mothers were simple. In the wake of 21st century when mothers themselves are smart and Dad's no less, kids bound to be a step ahead. And with crunching hours of quality time together WALL STICKERS give you more in less.

Yes! These innovative and customized stickers are real fun and teach kids a lot more than what verbally they can be taught.

Let us tell you an interesting activity that would be fun for the whole family. Make a chart of acceptable behaviour or habit that you want to teach or those which you want to change in your kids. Make sure they are positive as positivity has its own rewards.

At the end of the week ask them to count the happy emotions (that greatly help them to develop emotional intelligence) and sad faces (a little math for them is certainly a bonus).For each activity of the day choose from a wide range of
high quality emojis to express what you can with no words. It serves as two sided sword. Kids generally tend to ignore us, when we nag them too much or make them count their mistakes. That certainly is not a healthy situation.

Reward them as you choose that and it certainly would be a boost and punish them if...No! You could use another set of innovative wall stickers instead. Ask them to go to a time out zone (which is basically making them sit in a corner facing a wall). Here is our bit to it; doodle up the wall with the quote wall stickers like ‘sharing is caring', 'I can definitely control my emotions', ‘when I finish my meal, I grow healthy and tall’, ‘sharing is caring and makes me more friends’, ‘when I am happy, I make people happy’ etc. to read for them.