Put Your Music On The Walls

If you are a general music lover you could get a wall sticker that could best describe your love for music and that is a headphone with its swirling cord. With a dark color, it is preferred on a light colored wall. The perfect match is a whole white color, which would make your love for music as evident as the contrasting color of the wall sticker. Although, the symbol that most commonly symbolizes music is the music note(s). It you are a more contemporary person and would like to display the love for music in a more universally understandable design, music notes would be the best choice.

Music Wall Stickers

Sometimes the music icons and symbols speak louder than the regular music signs like music notes, headphones etc. These music icons got culturally strong over time and became cult figures of the music world. A Radio Shack wall sticker or a Bob Marley sketch would say more than anything ever could. You can even get these wall stickers along with music quotes, words always say what the symbols can’t.

Music Wall Stickers

Sometimes the music icons and symbols speak louder than the regular music signs like music notes, headphones etc. These music icons got culturally strong over time and became cult figures of the music world. A Radio Shack wall sticker or a Bob Marley sketch would say more than anything ever could.

Music Wall Sticker

Well, most of the music lovers are more than general music lovers and they are musicians. Having a love for a specific instrument- String, Woodwinds, Brass or Percussion or a particular genre- rock, blues, pop. And if you are not a musician, every one of us at some point might have learned an instrument or simply had a crush on one. Dedicate your wall to that instrument or genre that you once adored or still want to rekindle the love with.