Storing and Preserving Your Wall Decals

Wall Decals

There are 2 types of decorating stuff, one which could not be used after one use and the other which could be reused. You just need to throw away the non-reusable items but the ones which can be reused require extra efforts. One such decoration item is the removable wall decal. Probably you want to store and preserve to use that decal on next Christmas too or simply you want to use a decal somewhere else. There can be different reasons to store and preserve the decals. Here are the steps that show how to store and preserve decals so that they can be reused next time just as new ones:

Remove the decals-

The first thing you need to do is remove the decals from the wall. Although the decals are made to be removed easily, take a little extra care removing them, especially the ones with intricate details in order to avoid any tearing.

Apply them on Liners-

This is most important and delicate step of the process. Slowly apply the removed decal on the liner making sure there are no air bubbles while you apply. The bubbles could wear away the adhesiveness of the decal from that particular patch which has air bubbles. In case you are using old liners, you need to wipe them dry and make sure they are dust free. Dust is a major reason the decals lose the adhesiveness.

Roll them-

Rolling the decals could help in preserving them for a longer time as being rolled, they become less prone to direct damage. Also, rolling helps in saving space while you store them away. Rolled decals can be put in any corner.

Follow these steps and you would be storing and preserving the decals in the best way possible and they would be ready to be used next time.