Paw Patrol is a Canadian series for kids about a boy named Ryder who leads a pack of search an rescue dogs known as the PAW Patrol. They work together on missions to protect the shore side community of Adventure Bay and each dog has a specific set of skills based on a real-life profession. If your little one loves this cartoons our 3D Paw Patrol wall decals would be perfect room decoration for them.
Our 3D Paw Patrol wall decals is one of the quickest and easiest way to keep your kid’s bedroom or nursery decor up to date. Suitable for any color walls and windows, the PAW Patrol decal can be applied and removed to ensure your little one is happy with it’s placement.
Our 3D Paw Patrol wall decals is one of the quickest and easiest way to keep your kid’s bedroom or nursery decor up to date. Suitable for any color walls and windows, the PAW Patrol decal can be applied and removed to ensure your little one is happy with it’s placement.
- Top Quality PVC Stickers
- Removable and reusable
- Suitable for any colour walls and windows.
- Adheres straight to walls, door, mirror, or any smooth surface.
Once your order has been sent we will contact you by email. Your goods will be shipped from Dublin Ireland.
Goods normally take:
Ireland 1 to 3 working days
Europe 4 to 10 working days
Rest of the World 10 to 21 working days
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